Pre-Workout Make You Itch

Why Does Pre-Workout Make You Itch?

Many fitness freaks are into pre-workouts to boost their energy during the workout and to improve their overall performance. There is no doubt that these pre-workout supplements are a good start to a workout session and definitely affect your strength and performance. But we often hear people saying that taking a pre-workout makes them itchy and a bit uncomfortable. Ever wondered why pre-workout makes you itch or if is it safe to take a pre-workout even if it causes itching? Let’s educate ourselves about it. 

What Is A Pre-Workout?

Pre-workout is any supplement that is consumed before a workout for the purpose of boosting energy and increasing endurance. It also helps in enhancing strength, increasing blood flow to the muscles, building muscle mass, and improving the overall workout. It is normally a caffeine-based supplement that also contains other ingredients

So, let’s have a look at other common ingredients of a pre-workout to better understand why they make you itch.

What Are The Ingredients Of Pre-Workout?

The common ingredients of a pre-workout are as follows:

  • Caffeine
  • Arginine
  • Beta-alanine
  • Creatinine
  • L-Theanine
  • L-Citrulline
  • Niacin

Among all these ingredients, there is one that makes you itch. 

Why Does Pre-Workout Make You Itch?

A combination of beta-alanine with caffeine results in itching. When you take a pre-workout, the beta-alanine in it combines with the amino acid histidine and produces carnosine that might offer multiple benefits such as reducing fatigue and helping with the workout performance but it also causes the beta-alanine itch.

Simply when you ingest the beta-alanine from the pre-workout, it triggers some neurons in the body that initiate the tingling sensation of the skin. This tingling sensation is also called paraesthesia and normally feels like an itching, tingling, numbness, or light burning sensation of the skin. This sensation starts mostly in the neck, shoulders, and arms

The interesting thing to know here is when this pre-workout itch kicks in, so let’s get straight to it.

Pre-Workout Itch Kick-In Time

It normally kicks in 10-20 mins after its consumption. This feeling is completely normal and subsides after about 15-30 minutes. When you consume a pre-workout, the beta-alanine takes about 15 minutes to combine with histidine, and triggers some neurons that start causing the itchy feeling in the body.

How Long Does A Pre-Workout Itch Last?

A pre-workout itch normally lasts for 15-30 minutes after taking the supplement. This itching and tingling sensation starts after 15 minutes of taking the pre-workout and lasts about 30 minutes before it starts to go away. It can also last for 1-2 hours before completely dosing off the itching, This is why it is suggested to take a pre-workout about 30 minutes to 60 minutes before starting the workout.

Is It Normal For A Pre-Workout To Itch?

Yes, it is normal for a pre-workout to itch. It is just a minor side effect with other major benefits it provides to your body. Pre-workout itch and tingles are totally normal, safe, and common effects of taking pre-workout energy boosters.

If you are sensitive to beta-alanine, you can try to take a smaller dose or change the supplement with no beta-alanine in it.


A pre-workout makes you itch because of the beta-alanine in it. A pre-workout contains beta-alanine that triggers a few neurons in the body that initiate the itching and tingling sensation of the skin. This sensation is also called paresthesia and starts mostly in the neck, shoulders, and arms. It starts after 15 minutes of taking the pre-workout and lasts for 30 minutes before it begins to slow down. It is safe and doesn’t have any negative effects on the body, but if you are sensitive to beta-alanine, try to reduce the dose or change the supplement. 


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