How To Get A Yoga Certification

How To Get A Yoga Certification

Do you get certified for teaching yoga? That might be something most of you might not be expecting. But that’s true. To teach yoga commercially, you first need to get certified. This certification will help you begin your career as a yoga instructor, which is quite a rewarding career. So how do you get yoga certification? What are its requirements? Let’s talk about this:

What Is Yoga Certification?

Yoga certification is an internationally recognized certification that lets people become yoga instructors after completing a certain number of hours of practicing yoga to get the certificate. Yoga teachers are in demand and can help people practice yoga both at a physical and spiritual level. For that, it’s necessary that a yoga teacher knows the human body inside out enough to teach the essence and poses of yoga to their pupils. That’s why getting certified increases one’s credibility and makes them more experienced in this regard.

Who Can Get Yoga Certification?

Anyone with a passion and practice of yoga can get certified as a yoga instructor. As long as you meet the standards set by Yoga Alliance, you can apply and get the RYT Credential.

How To Get A Yoga Certification?

So, now to get yoga certification, you need to follow the following steps:

1: You Know Yoga And Your Style

Before thinking about getting yoga certification, it’s necessary that you read as much about yoga as you can and you should know about the basic poses of yoga. You practice it on a daily basis and imply it in your life as an important part. This will help you naturally set your motion in alliance with yoga poses while letting you discover your yoga style, which you might like to master and teach. There are many yoga styles to choose from such as Bikram Yoga, Power Yoga, Hot Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Gentle Yoga, Yin Yoga, and Sivananda Ashtanga.

2: Start Learning About The Yoga Schools

Once you’ve discovered your yoga style, now you should start looking out for yoga schools that come under Yoga Alliance, so you can get their international certification. To select a yoga school, look at the kind of classes they offer, schedule, fee, teaching philosophy, the expertise of instructors, and assessment methods. Do thorough research and choose your yoga school carefully, as the training they’ll provide will make or break your career.

3: Complete Your Training

The school will provide you with a schedule of a 200-hour program of yoga classes, which you need to take seriously. These classes will make you learn everything you need to become a yoga instructor like the forms and postures of yoga, their modified forms, their benefits, human physiology, and human anatomy. You’ll also learn the philosophy behind each and every yoga pose. You’ll practice yoga daily for at least 2 hours to complete your training.

4: Apply For RYT

Done with your training? Congratulations! Now you can officially apply for the Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) Certification, which has been offered by the Yoga Alliance of America. Acquiring this certification will surely open lots of doors of opportunities for you in the health sector. Getting this certification will give you international recognition, access to free online workshops, and discounts on yoga-related products.

5: Get Certified And Start Teaching

After getting that certificate, now it’s time for you to become a teacher and share your skills and knowledge of yoga with people. You can start teaching yoga in your community, to your friends and family, so you never go out of practice. Or you can always join any gym looking for yoga instructors. Or if you have enough money to invest, then you can start your very own yoga studio set-up and can offer yoga classes to people at your decided rate.

The Final Word

Getting yoga certification can literally help you teach yoga anytime, anywhere in the world. You can bring so much change in both the physical and mental health of people just by practicing and teaching yoga. So, what’s the wait for? If you are passionate enough about yoga, why don’t you go and get certified for it?


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