When Is the Best Time to Take Creatine_

When Is The Best Time To Take Creatine?

Do you know every 1 out of 3 persons has been taking energy supplements to ace up their high-intensity workouts? Supplements which increase the level of energy during heavy workouts are very popular nowadays. One of such examples is the creatine supplement, which you might find in every other person’s hand while going in or leaving the gym. It has been rated by every other person as the most popular exercise performance supplement. Its popularity has also raised some technical questions, like the amount of creatine to be taken or when is the best time to take creatine? Is it before or after the workout? Let’s see when is the right time for it.

What is Creatine?

To tell you in simple words, it’s a naturally occurring chemical that is usually present in our brain and muscle cells and releases energy when broken down by enzymatic activity. This energy is what keeps us driven during high-intensity workouts. Commonly it can be found in red meat and seafood, but its quantity can vary in these. To enhance their energy levels during workouts, people usually take creatine supplements that are easily available in the market. There are certain doubts that usually circle around supplements, and you might question yourself at this point if it’s right to take creatine or not? I’ll help you decide.

Benefits Of Using Creatine

Creatine is believed to improve your performance during a high-intensity workout routine by improving your endurance, power, and strength. Its other benefits are as follows:

  • Improved muscle growth and mass
  • Better strength and exercise performance
  • Helps in treating brain disorders like Epilepsy, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and Motor neuron disease
  • Helps in improving muscle neuron coordination
  • Prevent early aging and muscle-loss
  • Improves athletic performance
  • Helps maintain blood sugar level

Does It Come With Any Side effects?

Creatine is one of the most studied supplements with hundreds of research papers supporting its benefits and almost none of them have mentioned any harmful side effects it might pose. However, based on some people’s experiences it would be safe to say that people with pre-existing disorders should avoid the intake of creatine or can consult their doctor for optimal dosage. The following side effects are not supported by any scientific studies but should be kept in mind.

  • Can worsen liver and kidney diseases
  • Might cause dehydration and cramps
  • Pregnant women or breastfeeding women might want to avoid this for the safe side

What Time Is The Best To Take Creatine?

It’s hard to assign a specific answer to this question, as it varies according to people’s needs and workout routines. People who work out at night might prefer taking it at night, while people exercising in the morning prefer to consume it in the morning. Then how can you decide which time is the best for it?

Research and fitness coaches suggest taking this in the morning, because consuming creatine in the morning provides you with a raised level of energy which can help you perform high-intensity workouts without getting tired and can also keep you fresh even after the workout. However, people also suggest taking it even after the workout as well, to boost your energy. About the before or after workout part, it depends on you. If you think you need more energy before physical activity then the pre-workout option works for you and if you are the one who starts with great energy but gets short on the breath after the workout, then you might wanna consider taking it post-workout.


Muscle strength and growth can be achieved by taking a whole meal and offering complete nutritional value. But if you need to aim for high-intensity activities, it might be a good idea to add required supplements to your diet for high energy levels. Creatine has been proven an efficient addition to one’s diet, aiming for muscle growth. Though studies show that it is safe to take creatine whenever you need it, it is always a good idea to consume it in a balanced amount. Whether you take it in the morning or night; pre-workout or post-workout, at the end of the day it is your body, and you need to take care of it and shall decide what’s best for it.