How Much Does The NJ Diet Cost?

How Much Does The NJ Diet Cost?

Every diet plan comes with its own kind of requirements that you need to fulfill by putting some money into it. Whether it is to buy food, supplements, or a subscription to a diet plan. The NJ diet plan has been making an uproar due to their claim of losing 45 pounds in 40 days with a money-back guarantee-sounds pretty awesome. But how much does the NJ diet cost? As it is a scientific diet, what do you think they would be charging for it? Keep reading to know more. .

What Is The NJ Diet?

A doctor’s approved diet plan; a customized diet plan for everyone that is designed based on their physical health to make them lose weight quickly without compromising their health. It follows the principle of genetic effect on nutritional needs. It is a medically supervised diet, that’s why before beginning your diet plan, a complete body scan and extensive tests are performed to assess your nutritional status.

How Does It Work?

It works in different phases:

1: The Consultation And Evaluation

The very first step toward the NJ diet is the initial consultation. In this stage, the medical professionals first evaluate your health condition by measuring your BMI, Body Fat Percentage, Body Water Percentage, Muscle Mass, Bone Mass, Visceral Fat, and Metabolic Age. Then, your DNA testing is performed in which 2000 different biomarkers are studied in order to find out what kind of dietary needs you have. This helps them establish the kind of supplements your body will need to function at an optimal level while losing weight.

2: The Diet Plan

After a complete evaluation, the medical personnel at the NJ diet will design a strict diet, especially for you which you’ll have to follow 40 days along with an exercise routine. The diet plan designed is meant to balance out the specific hormones in your body to curb your appetite and improve your metabolism. To see if the diet has been working in favor of you or not, you will be asked to visit your doctor frequently. The doctor will make sure that the diet is working and burning fat efficiently. If not, then your doctor can also make necessary amends to your diet plan.

3: Personalized Diet Plan To Maintain Weight

After completing your diet plan for 40 days and losing desired weight, you will be provided with a personalized meal plan based on your genetic factors to make sure that you maintain your weight for the rest of your life. A complete guide will be provided to you about which foods affect you, how and what to eat, and what not to eat. A daily calorie target will also be provided to you so you never get out of track.

How Much Does The NJ Diet Cost?

As much as the perks the NJ diet offers, it is quite an expensive diet that not everyone can afford. Its initial consultation and evaluation fee ranges from $30-$99 based on the tests carried out. However, they keep running some promotional offers so you can also get a discount and get your consultation done for as little as $27. After a diet program is finalized for you, the cost goes upto $1500- $2100.

Is It Beneficial?

Following are some of the benefits that the NJ diet possesses:

  • A unique plan promoting healthy and natural weight loss.
  • According to its claims, it helps in the regulation of metabolism.
  • It helps in quick fat burning.
  • The NJ diet program’s founder also provides online consultation.
  • The constant check and balance keep you motivated.

Any Prospective Side Effects?

The NJ diet also possesses some disadvantages that cannot be ruled out.

  • It is extremely expensive for the majority of people suffering from obesity.
  • Some of its procedures might be too invasive for some of its users.
  • The appointment for the NJ diet is only limited to New York and has recently expanded to New Jersey.


The NJ diet does show promising results but going too low on calories is never recommended. It is also quite an expensive diet which makes it cost-prohibitive for many people around the globe. But whoever can afford it shall give it a try as it is a scientifically proven diet, which makes its chances of success quite high.


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